Map, Analyze & Develop
Visualize the business to develop, streamline and manage your working methods with graphic models.
Map, Analyze & Develop
Visualize the business to develop, streamline and manage your working methods with graphic models.
Map, Analyze & Develop
Visualize the business to develop, streamline and manage your working methods with graphic models.
Publish & make Accessible
Models and information always easily accessible to employees.
Publish & make Accessible
Models and information always easily accessible to employees.
Publish & make Accessible
Models and information always easily accessible to employees.
Manage & further Develop
Keep your business Quality Assured and up-to-date
Manage & further Develop
Keep your business Quality Assured and up-to-date
Manage & further Develop
Keep your business Quality Assured and up-to-date
Develop and Streamline your business through Visualization.
Explore the power of the world’s easiest yet powerful business modeling tool.
90% of our customers have increased quality in their business using 2c8 Apps.
Explore the possibilities of 2c8 Apps
The use of 2c8 Apps can be applied across many different business solutions – everything from creating robust management systems to developing the business. Explore the possibilities.
Basis for ISO certification
Use your mapped models of the business and its processes as a basis for certification. Demonstrate how you work to meet the requirements placed on you.
When we switched from Excel to 2c8 Apps, it was like seeing color for the first time after seeing everything in black and white.

Reduce your Costs
Optimize your processes and identify problems, bottlenecks and risks through the mapping.
One of the problems we identified in the survey cost SEK 350,000 a year. Eliminating the problem was a one-off cost of SEK 12,000 – all identified in the process mapping.

Many solutions – One Software
The visualization in 2c8 Apps can be used for a variety of applications, from optimizing processes and creating management systems to getting certified or implementing IT systems.
The processes have been the central part of how we will set up the system. When making our solution documents, we always start by analyzing the mapped processes and then describe how the solution should work.

Book a demo and Explore the Possibilities
Want to know what you can achieve with 2c8 Apps? Let us show you.
- 30-minutes free demo.
- Walk-through of the software.
- Try it yourself and evaluate.

Knowledge and support
We are always at hand to help.
If you need support or want to further develop your knowledge, we have a number of resources. Our support, our courses and our experienced consultants are there to help you during every step of the journey.
98.5% of our customers are very satisfied with our support