If you have 2c8 Modeling Tool without server functionality, you can now book a time in our calendar to upgrade to version 5.4. You need to book an appointment to upgrade since we need to activate your 2c8 Portal in correlation with you installing the latest version. Thoroughly read the information below before booking your upgrade. Of course, the service is free of charge for our customers without a server.
Below, you can find links to the installation package of 2c8 Modeling Tool needed for version 5.4, both for Windows and Mac. The new package needs to be installed in correlation with the time you book in our calendar below. This is because version 5.4 can’t be run using the old installation, and vice versa.
If you have a firewall hindering outgoing traffic, you need to open up the firewall for as.2c8.com and idp.2c8.com on port 443. Read more about this in “System requirements 5.4“. After this installation, the software will automatically upgrade itself when new releases are made, which means you do not have to install the software again for upcoming versions.
Booking and activation
In the calendar below, there are available slots on Mondays in the afternoon. The calculated downtime when upgrading is four hours since we are upgrading multiple customers during this time.
During the afternoon you’ve chosen, you will receive an activation mail where you can activate your 2c8 account. Once the activation is made, you can install the installation packages above. When the software is installed, you can log in using your email address and your chosen password.
When you’ve chosen a time in the calendar below, please enter the email address of the user you wish to be 2c8 Portal administrator on the field “Admin 2c8 Portal”.
Contact support@2c8.com if you have any questions.